Drumroll, Please…I am so excited to announce that my recipe, craft, and travel blog Glitter Spice has a new look! Sorry about the lack of posts, but I have been working hard on doing a complete blog upgrade to go with the new logo. It is still a work in progress, so I welcome your feedback. If you have a minute check out her glittery new look, thank you so much for the support!
Posts Tagged: Crafts
Holiday Wreath
The holiday craft bug has definitely bitten me. For Halloween in order to let the kids in our building know that they could trick or treat at our door we had to decorate it. I did a last minute thing that involved completely wrapping our door in reversed Xmas paper and putting flying baby ghosts made out of gauze all over it. See baby ghost hanging out with a roller skating unicorn below… The chaos that I created on the… Read more »

World Map Art
For a long as I can remember Derika and I have been talking about how we would love to have a world map that we could put pins in to mark where we have traveled. Why haven’t we made this dream a realty!? Here are some of the hold ups…I have yet to find a map that I really love, but I don’t know how hard I have actually been looking. Also getting things framed can be a bit… Read more »