Julia the Mystical Traveling Unicorn at the beach.
Happy December everyone! Where in the heck has 2014 gone? I feel like it was only a couple of months ago that I was making my New Year’s resolutions for 2014, and now I am getting ready to make them all over again for 2015. This year has been action packed, but it still bums me out that time is going by so fast!

We just got back from a lovely Thanksgiving in Florida, where we got to twinkle our toes in the sand a bit. The weather was just warm enough so that we could spend one day at the beach and the rest with the family. It was nice to thaw out a bit, but it makes coming back to the NYC winter so much harder.

I was freezing my bum off as I zipped home from yoga this morning and was feeling a little down and Scrooge like about the weather; when I stumbled across another protect your magic sighting.

Toes and Protect Your Magic

There is an artist in NYC that randomly leaves these markings around the city. I don’t know why, but I get so excited when I find one. It was just the pick me up that I needed to kick-start my day! My plan for the weekend is to finish up my holiday shopping, go see some festive window displays and to set up my Christmas tree. I am hoping that all of this holiday cheer will help me to start acting less like the Grinch and more like my normal holiday loving self.

I am STILL working on my Thailand posts. Digging through all of the photos has been a bit more challenging for this trip, so thank you for your patience. I hope to have the first Thailand post up next week. In the mean time, I thought that I would share a few little things that have been making me smile…besides Derika of course. 😉 I hope that this post inspires you to find the small things in you daily routine that makes you smile.


  • I have been trying to desperately fight off the cold and flu season, so I have been using the heck out of this to make my green smoothies. Check out my green smoothie recipe if you need some ideas.


  • I love using this when cooking, but I have also fallen in love with all of its other magical uses. Who knew it had a bazillion uses!


  • I only bought one thing on cyber Monday and it was for myself.  Whoops, it is good to buy yourself a prize every once in a while!  I am obsessed with these. I love the prints and the fact that they are made from recycled water bottles make them even more amazing!


  • I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but around the holidays I cannot get enough of the dark chocolate version of these. They are the perfect size, so I don’t feel guilty if I have one every night :)!


  • I’ve made a couple of batches of this to add to our festive cocktails this winter. It is the perfect addition to a hot apple cider.


Lastly but not least, I am going to leave you with a sweet picture of Nolan and I. The largest and sweetest cat I have ever gotten the opportunity to snuggle. How can this face of this 26 pound turkey not make you ALL of the happy!



Happy Festivus!


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