Happy Thursday! I thought that I would share this magical sunset photo that I took in San Diego a couple of weeks ago. It looks like the sky is made out of cotton candy! This picture makes me all warm and happy on the inside, while I sit and stare at this view…
I swear that I am not complaining, because the snowmageddon that we were originally supposed to get only dumped 11″ on the city, instead of the 24″ that they were originally predicting. The snow is so pretty and I love having snow days, but I do miss seeing amazing sunsets like the one above every now and again.
I also cannot believe that it is already the end of January, and that this is my first This & That Thursday post. Where is the time going!? I thought that I would just quickly share a few things that I have been using to stay on track with my New Year Resolutions, and just a few other things that I am obsessing over right now.
- Derika got me this a couple of months ago. It has been giving me some extra support in the cold winter months, and I love how the beads are made out of roses! It is also made by a local NYC artist, who we have met 🙂
- I have added this
amazing beverage to my water, coconut water, tea and kombucha rotation. I am obsessed. It is not available in a lot of places right now, so get yours on Amazon. This just means that I have to buy it in bulk…darn. 🙂
- I have been playing around with veganism a little bit lately, just to see how if feels in my body. This little guide has been a great resource for keeping me on track. Whole30 isn’t just for meat eaters anymore.
- Santa got me this
and I can now make fizzy water ALL of the days! I also don’t have to worry about hauling heavy water bottles back from the grocery store anymore and I am saving on plastic…winning!
- The winters in NYC are super dry. To save my poor skin, I have been obsessing over this oil. I have been lubing up my hands, body, hair and face with this stuff nonstop. It is also made in Brooklyn…Yay, for local things!
- Holy Crap the Super Bowl is this weekend! If you are looking for some great heathy-ish snack ideas check out this.
I hope you have an amazing 2015 and hopefully it started off better than Julia the Mystical Traveling Unicorn’s year did…
Stay Warm!